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I don't see why that makes the case for native apps more compelling.

It helps the consumer because if it's a good app, it allows you to better focus on that one task you're after. Reading the news, for example. I haven't had any of the problems he discusses with the NYTimes app, for example.

For the organization, the benefits of longer engagement are pretty obvious as well.

He's right about a lot of bad developers (and clueless execs) producing really crappy apps. He's wrong if he thinks that a lot of the bigger brands are still at that stage.

I am yet to see an improved "reading" experience in an app. It's words on a screen. The ability to innovate is very limited.

Want swipe page turns ? That can be done in web. Scrolling? Zooming? Etc etc can all be done with a website.

Apps have there place, but I don't think news readers are it.

Not having the huge address header on the iPhone with Safari is already a huge improvement of the reading experience.

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