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>I have a hard time believing that considering the prevalence of the "share" button in apps.

In the OP's example this share button would just lead to a message of 'you need to download our app to view this material'

>There is certainly a "walled garden" problem on iOS, with all the jailbroken nonsense linked to it, but on Android (don't know about MS phones) I can run whatever I want. The app store is just curation, not limitating. Granted there are still some problems with rooting, but they seem to be disappearing from my view. Freedom of expression is still there.

AFAIK he wasn't talking about the OS being a walled garden, more that each app was. Not being able to share content between apps, combine the functionality of them, etc.

Being able to run whatever you want doesn't help if the content owners have locked it down to being only viewable in their app.

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