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Sleep.fm is top Twitter search term (6 month duration) (readwriteweb.com)
19 points by ryanspahn on March 13, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

How do we know who is searching for it? Could be a bot, sleep.fm themselves, some code somewhere...

Seems fishy to me :/

Maybe an interesting method to getting 'buzz', if companies like compete are just taking raw number of searches, rather than number of people searching for a phrase.

Why would random end users be searching twitter for 'sleep.fm'? Especially since there weren't all that many results (Until this story came out).

Sounds like sleep.fm is obsessively monitoring their brand on Twitter.

94 followers for sleepfm.

I believe that the more important statistic is not the number of direct searches through Summize but the number of tweets mentioning sleepfm (and in that, 'iPhone' would always be in the top 10 - and, unfortunately, 'sleepfm' does not rate in the Twitter zeitgeist). Good attempt for PR but it was based on a flawed statistical foundation.

http://hashtags.org/ http://hashtags.org/search?query=sleepfm&submit=Search

Ryan, youre awesome, and sleep.fm is pretty cool, but compete screwed up somehow. BESIDES this article, there's barely any tweets on twitter for sleep.fm. http://search.twitter.com/search?max_id=1323832063&page=...

Traffic is also http://siteanalytics.compete.com/sleep.fm/?metric=uv only at 5k uniques. If the search volume was what they indicated, the traffic would be decently higher (how much higher i dont know).

Sure this awesome & amazing to see for us!

The data compete is stating is the number times people searched Twittered for Sleep.fm and not the amount of Twitters. We do have a somewhat steady stream of people talking about us, but compete's data is not showing the most popular Twitter topic rather most popular searches. Sleep.fm would surely not show up in that report, more so Obama, iPhone and other pop culture attention getters.

There is one for all the naysayers. Congratulations Sleep.fm

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