I've been watching those videos lately because as a non developer, I find it difficult to wrap my head around Backbone. I tried the tut+ Premium tutorial, CodeSchool & CodePeep videos without luck.
So I though maybe it's the framework that's not for me and looked into AngularJS and stumble upon those videos and boy those it make AngularJS SO MUCH EASY to understand. Or maybe it's just that angular is easier for me the understand than Backbone.
Anyway, Awesome videos and very easy to follow. Also that Webstorm IDE look nice :)
I wouldn't recommend webapps as step one for a new developer. Remove all these frameworks and toolkits and just get comfortable with JavaScript first. Do problems like these: http://projecteuler.net/problems
The problem with Backbone in my opinion is that it's just too freeform. It's great for developers who like ultimate flexibility and have a good idea how they want to structure thing, but it's terrible for developers who get paralyzed by choice (like myself).
So I though maybe it's the framework that's not for me and looked into AngularJS and stumble upon those videos and boy those it make AngularJS SO MUCH EASY to understand. Or maybe it's just that angular is easier for me the understand than Backbone.
Anyway, Awesome videos and very easy to follow. Also that Webstorm IDE look nice :)