This college in St Paul last year just got some art accreditation that purportedly takes into account future financial viability. They just announced they can't remain financially solvent. So much for accreditation.
At this point I think education will have a rather interesting next few years.
Whoah, wasn't expecting to see CVA mentioned on HN. I know someone who decided to go there thinking they'd get paid $60,000 a year after graduating with their fine arts degree. Of course, I'm pretty sure they thought the same thing about their first undergraduate degree, too, which was a liberal arts degree from a similarly overpriced private college. Interesting that CVA wasn't accredited until 2011.
It's interesting, but not particularly surprising. There's only so much that can be done with a fine arts degree. My girlfriend started off school as a Art history major because she loved art, but quickly changed once she realized there was essentially no future in the field unless you wanted to stay in academia. This college in St Paul last year just got some art accreditation that purportedly takes into account future financial viability. They just announced they can't remain financially solvent. So much for accreditation.
At this point I think education will have a rather interesting next few years.