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Show HN: Hype Machine - 5+ years of Internet music history (hypem.com)
109 points by fascinated on Jan 25, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 32 comments

I posted about this on my Facebook wall yesterday. This is one of the coolest features on a music site that I've ever seen.

Can I ask, what inspired you to do this? I know there's been a bit of time-shifting with HypeMachine with quite some time, have you had the vision of being able to reference any week?

If you're looking for feature suggestions, I'd love to be able to trace an artists path through the hypemachine top 50. A simple line graph of an artists hits in the top 50 would be really cool.

Thanks for developing new ways for people like me to enjoy music.

The memories that the older Popular pages bring up was a big motivation to build this. Like the month where MGMT was all over the popular chart: http://hypem.com/popular/week:Apr-07-2008 (and the adjacent weeks)

Hypem is essentially an internet staple for me these days, you guys have done a really great job with it as far as I'm concerned.

I wrote a site to help you download the tracks if you're interested. http://metahypem.com

sigh, i thought we're over this

I like the way you handled that. Just curious, but how often do you end up blacklisting scrapers?

you guys help me learn new projects. I learned NodeJS/Nginx and other frameworks writing this project.

It's nice to have a goal I guess. It gives me motivation. I'm glad you blacklisted it. Now I have a new goal :)

over downloading music?

thank you but the bit-rate is not nearly good enough for anyone that really enjoys their music

Just wanted to throw out a huge congrats to Anthony and company for all the work you've done on the site. It's become my entire new music source over the past 4 years and I'm excited to see where it goes!

Job well done, I'm still waiting for an official Android app though :)

I've been visting Hypem since 2007 and I've loved it the whole time. The nostaliga that this feature invokes is amazing. I'm also looking forward to the Hype Hotel @SxSW this year. I'll be living upstairs too. :D

ha, upstairs from the venue?

For sure, you are having it at The Whitley, right? That is what the management told me last week.

This is hot! It is also how I have always organized my music, in iTunes and now in Spotify. At the beginning of each month I make a new playlist. Any songs discovered or listened to a lot for that month goes in that playlist. I get strongly anchored to the songs such that listening to a song from a year ago brings back memories. And I avoid listening too much to songs from another month so I don't reset the anchor :)

Oooh... someone should make an applescript that links into last.fm to make this automatic.

Thanks hypem team for making my blog - ilictronix - such a rewarding time for me. Seeing tracks I posted climb their way to the top became some of the most memorable moments for me (I still mention this sometimes when I'm interviewing for internships!)

So big thanks, you guys are the reason I put so much work into the /new/ ilictronix, http://ilictronix.heroku.com

I used to have ilictronix on my feed but it disappeared a while ago, moving the blog to heroku makes sense as to why. Will find and re-follow

Why did you choose to build from scratch vs wordpress/squarespace/etc? This is neat

We originally ran on blogger (still do!) but it really didn't have what I wanted. College started, and I really couldn't prioritize "fixing up" the site on blogger, as it was just so convoluted.

Instead, I decided to take a stab building a custom solution in rails. Had a blast doing it, and I learned a ton. Still very much a work-in-progress, but I take great pride in building the very features I've wanted for such a long time. Now, I could tailor these solutions in PHP for wordpress or something, but it's not my expertise.

No RSS feed? That's a shame.

It's on the backburner, but I've never built/integrated rss into an application before. Maybe something to do this weekend if it's simple enough.

We're open-source: https://github.com/prezjordan/ilictronix

I guess people can get RSS from the feed Hype Machine generates, if they really want it: http://hypem.com/feed/blog/10471/1/feed.xml

I've had this exact idea burning in my head for a little while now. I was going to go ahead and start scraping the popular list myself to do it! Great job Anthony & co!

Anthony you and your HypeM team continue to bring the magic of creativity, engineering and fun to us music heads. Bravo

Well said! I couldn't have said it better myself (and didn't).

hypem's already been great to revisit my own listening and favoriting history from the last few years -- http://hypem.com/smcnally/history -- it'll be interesting dialing up points in time to see what was blowing up when

We only store about 1000 of your most recent plays, so you should also use Last.fm (and connect Hype Machine to it)!

My favorites date back to my earliest usage in 2008. Will these, too, be capped at 1000? Are there any time-based caps?

Thanks, again, for your work here.

The favorites are not capped, only the plays are.

I check out the Hype Machine daily, for about 3 years now - keep up the great work!

I love the fact that the song pointed to in the blog post is sexual healing.

this is awesome anthony! really brings me back... i can remember listening to certain weeks with my buddies. hopefully i'll see you at SX this year.

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