You don't seem to understand the resources required to build a car, and the punishing toll it exacts on the planet. And how roads disrupt migratory paths of animals.
Technology isn't the answer to problems of air quality and the preservation of wildlife. Making significant changes to our lifestyle is, but we need to snap out of this delusional wishful thinking and make changes based on reality.
Actually technology is the only realistic solution.
You can keep trying to get 7 billion people to behave the way you want. Good luck with that. Or, instead you can give them something they want that also solves the problems you want solved. Renewable Energy, Recyclable products, less polluting products that are also more desirable (think Tesla Model s)
Making new tech that solves those issues and at the same time provides something more desirable than current products is the only realistic way forward.
Technology isn't the answer to problems of air quality and the preservation of wildlife. Making significant changes to our lifestyle is, but we need to snap out of this delusional wishful thinking and make changes based on reality.