That's a link to a pdf document. Can you quote the part you are referring to? I can see “Safe, high quality, coordinated care” at 74.5% and “Building closer relationships” at 80.8%
All the rest is confirmation bias and unrepresentative. People like to moan. 10/1 ratio and all that.
The patient experience survey[1] is not for serious events like your father's.
There are other methods used to capture that kind of information. The Hospital Event Statistics[2] database is one method.
I fully accept (I've already said in this thread) that the NHS complaints procedure is sub-optimal. Often people say that complaining is as traumatic as the event. People seem to understand that mistakes happen, but when clinicians appear to lie about those events most people are (rightly) hurt and outraged. I've seen a lot of improvement in the complaints handling of one trust in one county; I have no knowledge about other complaints departments. (But I suspect they're pretty bad.)
There are organisations like PALS which should be feeding information back to the trust, even if you're not making a complaint. They should also be helping you with the procedure of making a complaint if that's what you want to do.
LINks don't talk about individual events, but should listen to people talking about general experiences.
I'm not sure what can be done about the process of recording patient and relative experience after serious awful events. I welcome any suggestions.
Sorry I should be more clear. Most PCTs issue consent forms to patients when leaving to allow the third party to perform the survey I.e. Collect then details from the PCT. On several occasions, I've seen them withhold these from the patients intentionally and have had to ask for the forms.
> I've seen them withhold these from the patients intentionally and have had to ask for the forms
That would be illegal if it was happening wrt the patient experience survey.
The link that you provided tells us so.
> Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.
Luckily, staff on hospital wards have nothing to do with collecting anything connected to the patient experience survey. Again, what you saw was not part of the patient experience survey.
Then read here, the comments:
Then ask people around you.