I am a Ruby programmer and let it be clear, the holier-than-thou attitude can indeed be pervasive in the Ruby community.
Yet, most of the proselytism int the Ruby community are different shades of "Programming with this language makes me very happy, I'd like everyone to be happy as well". Of course it's not always as clear cut and there is sometimes much to be desired in terms of behavior. But that's where the Haskell in MY PERSONAL OPINION (so to take with a pinch of salt) is slightly different in how it seems to be variations of "Haskell is a superior language, everyone that doesn't use it has not reached enlightenment"
TL;DR: Ruby people can be annoying like hippies can be annoying, Haskell enthusiasts I've found to be more akin to the Jehovah's witnesses of programming.
And just so we're clear, I am going on a slightly provocative/trollish bender here, one that I hope will not offend too much, it's all in good fun.
I think you're imagining the holier-than-thou attitude. While people are certainly excited to have figured it out, nobody is asking them to be excited about it.
If you disagree, how about citing some sources? You're good at coming up with analogies, but coming up with analogies is like being Hitler. What?
Rubyists aren't like hippies (hippies have no taste and they dislike drama), more like hipster art critics if anything.
Haskellers being compared to Jehovah's witnesses is even more wrong. They're more like scientists, maybe of the climate change variety: most of them keep their heads down with a dedication to improving the state of the art, but when they go public it's with good reason and people should listen rather rejecting out of hand anything that challenges their ingrained worldview.
I love how easily us nerds get sucked into debating analogies and whether they're right or not and which analogy is the best one, even when it has no bearing on anything. It's a really funny phenomenon to watch.
Haskell has not uncovered an impending disaster which everyone ignores at their own peril. It is a programming language on the same basic level as many other popular and useful programming languages.
as a rubyist who has dabbled a bit in haskell, i think the two camps are exactly the same in terms of proselytising. it's just frustrating to see people using "less-capable" languages and imagining how much happier/more productive/safer they'd be if they only adopted yours.
The difference there is that Haskell actually does offer some functionality and concepts that aren't really present in most other programming languages.
Ruby, on the other hand, is pretty unremarkable. It doesn't really offer anything beyond what older languages like Perl and Python, for example, offer.
I can mostly agree, Haskell's additions aren't even in the same ballpark. I also prefer Python overall to Ruby. But Ruby has a huge advantage of anonymous code block parameters.
That facilitates dsls and I believe it's important enough to note as significant.
in my experience, ruby has a lot of small improvements over perl and python that add up into a far nicer programming experience. it's subjective, perhaps, but i've used a lot of languages and i find that ruby hits the sweet spot for developer productivity.
Yet, most of the proselytism int the Ruby community are different shades of "Programming with this language makes me very happy, I'd like everyone to be happy as well". Of course it's not always as clear cut and there is sometimes much to be desired in terms of behavior. But that's where the Haskell in MY PERSONAL OPINION (so to take with a pinch of salt) is slightly different in how it seems to be variations of "Haskell is a superior language, everyone that doesn't use it has not reached enlightenment"
TL;DR: Ruby people can be annoying like hippies can be annoying, Haskell enthusiasts I've found to be more akin to the Jehovah's witnesses of programming.
And just so we're clear, I am going on a slightly provocative/trollish bender here, one that I hope will not offend too much, it's all in good fun.