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I don't think other languages have the same benefits of Haskell. They have other benefits but not Haskell's.

Python/Ruby: very easy to learn and be productive quickly.

C: high level of control over resources and easy to get good performance.

Haskell: very good static guarantees about correctness. Relatively easy to get decent and good performance. Extremely educational and mind expanding, far more than say Lisp. Allows very high levels of abstraction. Great concurrency and parallelism support.

Lisp: easy to extend syntax with macros and manipulate programs programmatically.

All these languages have benefits, but not quite the same ones.

What about Objective Caml? Seems to fit the bill for all those metrics as well, yet for a reason that eludes me to this day, it never quite reached the kind of "street rep" that Haskell now enjoys.

I don't know OCaml very well, but I do know that without laziness, it does not support as much high-level/reusability[1].

Also, it lacks much of the mind-expanding stuff in Haskell (The class hierarchy explained by the Typeclassopedia).

AFAIK, GHC had surpassed OCaml's compilers' performance, concurrency support, etc. Compiler rewrite rules are also a very nice feature that other languages cannot immitate due to lack of purity.

Many of the parallelism benefits are much a result of purity, which OCaml lacks. Also stuff like software-transactional-memory rely on purity for their guarantees, which OCaml cannot provide. Reasoning about code is also much easier with purity.

1. http://augustss.blogspot.co.il/2011/05/more-points-for-lazy-...

Your're showing your ignorance.

OCaml has full support for laziness. It's just default strict with optional laziness via a keyword (http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Lazy.html), rather than the opposite.

The only thing Caml lacks that haskell has is typeclasses, so doing non-integer math is ugly, and non-int/float math is REALLY ugly, like something out java or something, since there is _no_ operator overloading.

I suspect the main barriers to Caml gaining wider acceptance had more to do with a cultural barrier - both the documentation and error messages in English were (and mostly continue to be) fairly poor.

Caml actually did attain a measure of popularity for a while in the early 2000s - the winning ICFP content entry was in Ocaml for something like 4 years running at one point.

Unfortunately, OCaml doesn't have enforced purity outside the IO monad. This removes one of the main benefits of Haskell, which is to force people who are terrible at functional programming to actually write code in a functional style.

I actually think the main thing OCaml lacks is the separation of pure from non-pure code via the type system. I have really become addicted to the way this ends up affecting the architecture of the code, and the guarantees it provides when using code I did not write.

You aren't speaking to the principal point in the post Peaker links, which is accepted by Harper in the notes "As you know, in the eager world we tend to write out our own recursive functions, rather than use combinators", which is of course all any anyone cares about; with explicit recursion the user's IQ falls 50 points immediately. The whole discussion presupposes a mechanism for 'opting out' of default strictness or default laziness, which exists in many languages.

Optional laziness is not good enough -- read the blog post I linked to. You can't re-use and compose existing functions from the standard library if they all tend to be strict.

OCaml isn't purely functional, so it misses some of the most important benefits of Haskell. It's also not entirely honest (in the fact that you can do things that the type system doesn't tell you about.)

With unsafePerformIO, Haskell is also not "entirely honest"...

That's certainly true and always be true given the mutability underlying architectures and operating systems. However, in Haskell, unsafePerformIO is normally only used when it can be shown that a function is referentially transparent. When this is not the case, a function ought to return an IO value.

The general rule is: don't use unsafePerformIO unless your name is Simon ;).

Haskell succeeded in isolating side effects to a great extend. It has its advantages, referential transparency leads to predictable and understandable code. And disadvantages - you have to keep state via argument passing (which can be hidden nicely using the State monad) and when implementing inherently mutable algorithms you usually end up using the ST monad. Still, on the outside, a function will be pure and pretty :).

This is all correct, and I do think it's an important difference between Haskell and OCaml, I just didn't like the way it was phrased ("lies") because that's not really the difference. The difference is that Haskell has a place for you to document (in the type system) whether functions have certain types of effects (and if you cooperate just a little, the compiler will make sure this documentation is correct). The cost is the (conceptual) overhead of actually doing this - which is small when you know what you're building but can require some re-plumbing of a chunk of your code when things change.

This difference isn't inherently a win for Haskell - that OCaml doesn't bear the cost of significant restructuring because you find you need to do some IO based on results internal to a function several layers down is a big win in the short term. Whether it's a win in the long term, and how much the short matters versus the long, would seem to depend very much on the particular problems you're solving.

Having come to Haskell from C by way of OCaml, my personal preference is to get as much out of the type system as one can - but one should always be aware of the trade-offs.

With `{-#LANGUAGE Safe#-}` it is.

unsafePerformIO for an IO action that is not actually pure is considered a bug, and the compiler makes sure you can't abuse unsafePerformIO without being bitten very very hard.

The core of Objective Caml is awesome, but there is a severe lack of libraries, which is guess is in good part due to the limited number of users, and also to the limited advocacy/marketing done by them (compared to, say, Ruby or Haskell).

A lot of the OCaml community is French-speaking.

OCaml led to F#, which is getting some level of adoption, but perhaps limited to folks OK running Windows, as not everyone knows/likes Mono. The fact Microsoft ships a very complete set of tools for F# is pretty cool.

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