Hey HN,
I am looking to buy a new laptop. My primary OS will be ubuntu. Which laptop would you guys recommend? My main criteria is that it should be light and work without any hiccups with ubuntu.
I've been looking around and it seems a lot of developers prefer Lenovo X220. The new carbon X1 looks good too. Does anyone have any experience with them?
Has anyone tried running Ubuntu (dual boot or otherwise) on a Macbook Air? Does it work without any issues?
Any of the new touchscreen laptops worth checking out?
My budget is around a 1000$ but I wouldn't mind spending some more if it means getting the best machine.
Thanks for your suggestions!
ThinkPad build quality is unrivaled. The keyboard is almost as nice as my HHKB. The hinges are rock solid. The keyboard has drainage ducts. Everything is designed to be serviced.