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First, I have a non technical co-funder and he's doing a lot of stuffs to get us traction.

I am not playing it defensive here. I've explained in a previous blog post where the game come from. I admit it should have been out a few months ago already. Nevertheless, what I tried to express in the blog post is my surprise/disappointment the results we are getting from our strategy. For example of getting featured on two facebook page of more that 200k fans each and not get at least 1k download is still interrogating me.

And to come to the point of "providing what others are not providing", this is the whole point of the app. Our premises were: - Sudoku can be fun. - Sudoku can have nice design too with nice ambient sounds. - You can build a fully featured sudoku game with all the above extras.

Now I know, one can say that it is not enough...

Why not do something other than Sudoku?

The market is telling you that there's no need for another Sudoku game. It's possible that this is because of some missing element in the game design - or it's possible that other people already find the other 1000 alternatives fun, or think they have nice design. Either way, though, wouldn't it be easier to find a less crowded niche where people have real needs that are being poorly met by the existing apps?

> getting featured on two facebook page of more that 200k fans each and not get at least 1k download is still interrogating me.

That stat is pretty worthless. You can buy "fans".

I don't think so. I don't want to disclose here the concerned pages. But It is pages of android device manufacturing company. I don't think those kind of company need to buy fans.

I wouldn't expect the majority of those likes to be people who like your type of game, out of 200,000 how many like sudoku? Of of that smaller number how many would want to play it on their phone? Who don't already have an app they like with historical data/saves already?

From 200k your potential target audience drops rapidly I would imagine.

Instead of being featured on device pages you should try and get featured on actual sukoku or puzzle pages where a greater percentage of likes are from people who are more likey to be interested in your product.

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