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Interesting. So you chose to target Android first because the quick turnaround time of the Play store enabled rapid prototyping?

I wonder if that's going to become more and more of a differentiator vs Apple as the Play store catches up in overall app quality.

The OP here. I think this is becoming a big incentive for developers. We also have the IOS version almost ready, but we chose to launch it on android first to be able to do quick iterations. For example, we already pushed more than 4 version in 3 weeks to adjust to users requests.


The highest order bit is cash flowing to developers, unfortunately. If Android matched iOS in credit card coverage and user's propensity to pay the platforms would be way more competitive than they are currently.

Android definitely has a lot of catching up to do there.

But it also seems to me that the entire app market is shifting more to apps that aren't revenue sources in themselves but free apps that are part of some larger business strategy and in that world overall user reach is what counts. And there Android has all the momentum.

I think we're going to hit an inflection point later this year when 4.x breaks 50% market share and more developers start feeling comfortable ignoring the 2.3 laggards.

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