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I agree with peak Sudoku. I search for Sudoku on Google Play and get 1000 responses. That is a search limit, who knows how many Sudokus there are. Someone starting out with Android might want to go for something a little more niche that has potential demand at first.

Also, the app is only in English as far as I can see. So they are competing in the most crowded market. Not that foreign languages save you with competition always. I tried to do an Android app in another crowded market, flashlight apps. Doing it in several languages did not help.

There are so many lacunae on Android, I have ideas all the time, yet so many people do yet another Sudoku app. They said they spent a lot of time on it. An MVP would have quickly told them what the demand was.

In terms of lacunae - only one app handles Microsoft Access files on an Android device AFAIK - my app. I based it off a popular LGPL Java library, the MVP took about two days or so of work, and did very little. I got a response, and suggestions, and built it up a little. I only have one competitor that I know of, and their database works off-device, and charges a fee after a trial period. There are gaps all over like that yet everyone goes for another Sudoku app, another flashlight app etc.

  There are gaps all over like that yet everyone goes for another Sudoku app, another flashlight app etc.
That's because developing real-people software and value is hard. :(

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