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We are not allowed in this country to look across a landscape of lawfully operating organizations and businesses, choose the ones we dislike, and execute plans that abuse their computers to bring about their destruction. That is what Aaron was essentially charged with doing, and there was not NO evidence that that was his plan.

If you think educated people are upset about closed academic publishing, you should talk to the millions of Americans (I AM NOT ONE OF THEM) who are upset about abortion. Better yet, you should listen to their rhetoric, because they don't think they're liberating science and culture; they think they're standing athwart engines of mass murder. They too would like to abuse computer systems to hasten the demise of disfavored organizations, for instance by publishing patient lists stolen from computer systems.

No part of observing this means I have to accept that Aaron was handled reasonably by the prosecutors, that I believe Aaron should have been at any risk of serving prison time, or even that I think that justice demands he walk away with at least a felony conviction. Equivalently, it does not mean that 'tzs is an authoritarian.

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