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I'm not talking about the people that choose to deny evolution solely because of some literal interpretation of the Bible. I'm talking about the ones that were raised by people like that, and have been incorrectly told how weak the evidence for evolution is. There is a LOT of money behind teaching people this, and teaching that scientists lie to push some agenda or another.

A lot of the same people don't believe in climate change for the same reason, that is, they don't think it's supported well enough by evidence. I think that makes this subset of evolution-deniers skeptics at heart (At least for some things). Beginning from first principles, I think skepticism is a great attitude with which to teach science. I think a lot of these people could be taught, given willingness to learn, and an absence of mistrust of science in general, which a lot of them have been unfortunately taught.

I just don't think that's a worldview that anyone arrives at in an intellectually honest way.

I'm reminded of the great example of gaps in the fossil record. If you find a fossil that's in the middle of the two end points of the gap you make things worse, because now you have TWO gaps in the fossil record.

Ranting aside, I have no idea how to deal with this phenomenon in a constructive way.

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