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I really hate google on some days. More days as of late.

Anyway, if you google "the herman chomsky propaganda model twenty years on" and then click the pdf link you may find what you want.

I can't post the link here because google is so paranoid about being crawled that they obfuscate links to the point where you can't get easily get a link to a pdf without going through the search manually.

There's a greasemonkey script called google result privacy (several actually), which very simply turn off the url dickery so you can right click and so forth as expected.

Thank you, installed and working :)

It's not a fear of being crawled, it's link tracking. It has been discussed a bunch of times (how they show the link in the status bar but then the internal link is what shows up in the clip board).

The easiest way around this is to just click the link and copy it from your browser.


That works with any link type except for pdfs which start 'okular' on my machine, and then I don't have access to the link.

Ah, that makes sense. PDFs render in the browser for me so it's no different than any other URL.

I believe this is the link you are talking about: http://www.fifth-estate-online.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011... It also references a number of other papers that discuss the current relevance of the propaganda model.

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