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In a sense, that's exactly what Aaron was going for when he was attempting to download JSTORs articles in order to "liberate" them.

Imagine if he had made open information one of the "Campaigns" at Demand Progress instead of getting caught up with the law?

Even now, what was supposed to be the one issue that motivated Aaron to break the law isn't even listed as one of the Campaigns at Demand Progress:


Where is JSTOR and PACER on that list?

If you want to go and double down on his mistake, fine. Just don't expect a different response from the government when you do so.

Or, perhaps, instead of promoting "vigilante justice", you could make a rational argument and campaign with your local representatives to get these overly generalized laws and overly punitives sentencing guidelines changed.

I am not promoting vigilante justice. I am merely pointing out what causes it.

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