Hi fraiserman, I would be honored to have the privilege of splitting the costs with you in perpetuity.
Aaron had an uncanny physical resemblance to my younger brother, and because of that, I couldn't help but feel a stronger connection to Aaron beyond his courageous activism, original thoughts, and entrepreneurship.
I can be reached on twitter at @hkmurakami. Thanks for considering.
Followup: Got a response from Name.com... it looks like the only thing they can do in this situation is transfer the domain to next of kin (rather then letting someone else be the billing contact)
Hopefully the Swartz estate understands how much his works mean to people and decide to keep the domain and hosting running.
Thank you all for your offers to donate, hopefully his estate will let us donate directly to them.
http://d.pr/i/2ysc (and they're looking into it - https://twitter.com/namedotcom/status/290111405410091008)