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SEEKING WORK - based in London, though working remotely

We are a small web development team mainly focused on Ruby/Rails, along with expertise across the rest of the stack - CoffeeScript, Spine.js, SASS, LESS, Chef, PostgreSQL, Redis etc. We have domain expertise integrating with external APIs such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and also in handling high load both in terms of web traffic and background processing with Sidekiq or Resque.

We are a whole team who work well together. We can either integrate to your existing dev team or take and implement a standalone project. As many of us are overseas (China, Ireland) we are less expensive than many other development companies (£400 - £500 / day or potentially £55k / year per developer depending on project length, size of team etc).

I personally am based in London and have 12 years professional development experience. If you would like details on projects we have done as a team, just send me a quick email.


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