What does LightCloud add that Tokyo Tyrant does not already provide? I've read the websites of both products, it's just kind of confusing.
From some other comments, it seems I'm not the only one confused. Tokyo Cabinet+Tyrant are pretty new on the scene and there isn't a lot about them in English yet. So, if you add a level of explanation to the site that seems excessive to you, people would probably find it more useful than you expect.
LightCloud adds horizontal scaling. If you just use Tokyo Tyrant then you can only scale by buying bigger servers. If you use LightCloud you can scale by buying extra servers.
When scaling upwards you would generally _really_ want to scale horizontally, since the vertical scale has a limit and you can quickly reach it (plus, buying bigger machines is generally much more expensive than buying extra machines).
How horizontally have you scaled your systems in production? The homepage mentions 2 servers. I'm wondering if you are using it in production with more than 2.
These two servers run 3 lookup nodes and 6 storage nodes (i.e. 6 lookup nodes and 12 storage nodes in total). These servers are quite powerful [32GB of RAM and using RAID10], they also run MySQL.
......................... (00020000)
......................... (00040000)
......................... (00060000)
......................... (00080000)
......................... (00100000)
tcrmttest: tcrdbout: error: 7: no record found
record number: 100001
size: 6928736
time: 22.692
how can I reach the 1M put/get?
Looks like TT is around 2-3K records / sec in read/write.
I've tested with all kind of table structures (on-memory hash, b+ tree, disk based hash, b+ tree, table, etc). and it was the same speed all the time.
And if you liked, you could extend LightCloud with memcachedb support (which we also had at one point and ran it in production [see my posts on memcachedb mailing list for proof]), but really, when it comes to key-value databases, it's really hard to beat Tokyo Tyrant, which is the fastest and most feature complete key-value database out there (IMO and I have looked at most of the popular solutions).
That comment says: "memcachedb is not distributed, meaning that you can only scale vertically (i.e. by buying bigger machines)." Is that true? The docs on memcachedb seem to imply the opposite.
memcachedb is not distributed - it only supports replication. I.e. with memcachedb you can only scale reads, but not writes (or at least not without a system like LightCloud on top of it).
I am wondering. From the benchmark, it is obviously slower than memcached. Why someone wants to use this instead of memcached which has better support?
I will be more excited to see how this key-value database actually helps to scale plurk. I am interested to integrate this into Rails if this really works very well.
Do you therefore see LightCloud as a possible alternative/complement to memcached? Certainly buying 500 GB of disk space is cheaper than buying 500 GB of RAM.
At Plurk.com we use both LightCloud and memcached. They complement each other. I.e. memcached is used for caching stuff - to reduce the load to MySQL. LightCloud is used to store persistent data - such as how many times a plurk has been read.
You could also store this in MySQL, but generally, storing key-value data is not the force of a relational database such as MySQL and LightCloud (and other key-value databases) are optimized for this kind of storage.
memcachedb is not distributed, meaning that you can only scale vertically (i.e. by buying bigger machines). With LightCloud you can scale by adding extra servers to the system (i.e. horizontal scaling).
This said, Tokyo Tyrant performs better than memcachedb and offers more features (such as master-master replication and Lua scripting).
This is not a correct observation!
Memcachedb is nothing but Memcached with BerkeleyDB underneath. Distribution of data in Memcached(also MemcachedDB) is achieved by client side hashing of keys.
If your argument were true then, Facebook would not scale vertically - they are the biggest users of memcached.
MemcacheDB can be used in exactly the same - and we have in production BTW.
amix, thanks for your effort (regarding both the development and the explanations here). Upvoted and will be considered for the next project. Keep up the good work!
How does it deal with events like disk failure, network partitions, and concurrent updates? The design documentation is rather light, so it's really hard to make out how this actually distributes data.
You say it doesn't have any concept of eventual consistency. Yet how does it coordinate updates to nodes? Does it do two phase commit? Paxos?
Every node in both hash rings is replicated using master-master replication - i.e. node A and node A' can both receive updates and reads. Node A and node A' sync their updates via an update log and can fail at any time and come back at any time without taking down the system.
Additionally, if high availability is really a big issue, then a node A''' can be introduced that can be in another data center.
If you add nodes to the storage ring, then some of the existing keys will be invalidated. To solve this issue and the issue of routing a lookup ring is created. Lookup ring holds a pair (key, storage_ring_location). The system will automatically update (key, storage_ring_location) if it's at some point invalidated (such as that key does not point to node A, but node D).
I have tried to find an easy solution for a rather complex problem. Keeping membership state, doing Paxos and keeping routing tables would have been much more time consuming to make - so I have tried to solve the problem from another angel (by using master-master replication for high availability).
I'd be more interested and might provide a somewhat less negative attitude if you were to do some real testing on a proper dataset (several hundred megabytes or gigabytes, not 10 bytes) and could show that adding servers actually improves performance.
The current test-data and test-script is simply insufficient to the point of being useless.
Like I have already stated I am interested in how the system will run in production. Generally, you will do lots of small updates and lots of small fetches with key-value databases. You won't do batch operations - which makes your benchmark pretty irrelevant.
Try to benchmark your relational database by doing this:
- create a new connection
- fetch one row
- close connection
And try to compare this to selecting multiple rows at once. The result will be MUCH different. And this basically outlines the difference between your benchmark and mine.
This said, you will only hit limitations with a relational databases if you are having lots of data. If you run a blog, a low traffic site or can keep all your data in memory, then you won't have any problems. And I do have experience in the world of relational databases and using MSSQL won't solve this problem for you (else you would see Facebook, Friendfeed, Twitter and Google etc. use MSSQL or Oracle).