"Accepting the article's assumption of such stupid and/or lazy programmers, and accepting the implicit assumption that it's possible to produce useful software with such programmers, I'm guessing it's some kind of web-based business software."
Actually the software I work on is web based business software. I sincerely hope that I don't cause the sort of problem alluded to in TFA.
The fact that checked exceptions make it harder to do the right thing I guess is exactly the point. An exception is a method for forcing an abnormal program flow, and the checked exceptions reduce this to an error return mechanism. You end up with the worst parts of exceptions and error returns -- way to go!
Actually the software I work on is web based business software. I sincerely hope that I don't cause the sort of problem alluded to in TFA.
The fact that checked exceptions make it harder to do the right thing I guess is exactly the point. An exception is a method for forcing an abnormal program flow, and the checked exceptions reduce this to an error return mechanism. You end up with the worst parts of exceptions and error returns -- way to go!