A new year is about to begin. What are you going to learn in this new year to improve yourself?
Here are few things I would like to learn in 2013 :
1. UI/UX Design : I'm a hacker who can make decent looking designs using css frameworks. I know I have a sense of design and I would like to take it to next level and become an expert designer.
2. A functional language : I don't know a single functional language. I would like to learn one. May be Haskell.
3. The art of selling : I am building a SAAS app for a niche and hopefully I will work hard this year to learn how to sell it to customers.
2) Japanese. I'm trying the "kanji-first" approach advocated by "Remembering the Kanji" with practice through Skritter[1]. I already know hiragana/katakana and basic pronunciation, so after I finish RtK I should be in a good position to tackle a couple books on grammar and start reading/watching/listening to less structured content.
3) A creative pursuit that doesn't involve (or at least center around) writing code. I love programming, but sometimes it feels like I'm missing something (everything?) by having my methods of creative expression so clustered together. I want to try writing fiction, drawing/sketching and possibly musical composition, and see what ends up staying with me.
4) HTML5, CSS3 and modern Javascript. At one point in my life, long ago, I would've introduced myself as a web designer. This was back when DHTML was a synonym for Javascript, anything more complex than hover effects seemed to require Flash or Java and every site had an unholy mess of framesets and tables for layout. Fortunately for everyone involved, all of those things (and many more) have changed in the past 10 years. Unfortunately for me, my front-end skills haven't. Hoping to get up to date with stuff like JS MVC frameworks, responsive design and Less/Sass.
5) Blogging, so that I can bore other people with stories about learning the things listed above.
[1]: http://www.skritter.com/