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CSS3 animated Christmas card (marynaaleksandrova.info)
54 points by m_aleksandrova on Dec 24, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Thanks for the "there will be music" warning.

So this is base64 images that are animated with CSS3?

:) 'So this is base64 images that are animated with CSS3?' true

Nice and clean. Well done.

It's nice, but it there are some drawing errors on Safari (6.0.2), the Christmas tree flickers and ends up behind the buildings.

I remember a few years back when animated Christmas cards using Flash became popular. It's nice to see that we're almost at the point you can do all of this without a plugin :-)

The trick is to never use IE or Safari for demos that use new technologies! =)

except that the iPad runs safari...

If a demo doesn't work on the iPad it's broken.

er no. iPad is broken. If apple provides a platform that doesn't respect standards and disallows other browsers from working as they're intended to, it does not mean the entire world that does not feel like supporting the walled garden is broken.

There are two different forms of broken - something that doesn't conform to a published spec, and something that doesn't work on something with significant market share. The person you're replying to is referring to the latter.

It's a colloquialism referring to a users broken expectations. If a user tries to open a page and it doesn't render properly, the user will blame the page, not the device. If a website renders wrong, that's the websites problem.

If the site uses a feature that is unsupported (or poorly supported) by a browser with significant market share, then its the sites responsibility to fail gracefully. You can rant until you're blue in the face about how the iPad/Safari should handle these things better, but most users simply don't care about your particular definition of "broken". They only know the site doesn't work.

I want to see you ranting like that next time a technology demo doesn't work on ie. Also, do you have any figures for ad market share on browsers?

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