Bit bucket is making real progress, but I still don't think I can drop GitHub all together for them. I actually like them better, but almost every open source project I use is on GitHub and only one is one BitBucket. Its almost at the point where GitHub own so much of the ecosystem that its hard to collaborate without them. Keep on chugging BitBucket, everything you have done so far has been for the better.
Ditto for me. It is the unlimited free private repos that initially drew me to Bitbucket, however, I am now happily paying the $10 per month for multiple members of the team (7 of them) for the company account.
Using Github the way we would like (multiple repos) would put us in the $50 per month bracket, which seems excessive.
Bitbucket, for our use case, has the perfect price point.
This. I switched from github to bitbucket in all of about 10 minutes a weekend ago for my private repos. $7/month more in my pocket.
I did find it interesting that when I canceled with Github they killed my "paid account" status right away, rather than let me have the rest of the month.
I wish GitHub would offer unlimited private repos and just charge for collaborators. I don't mind paying $12/month for 10 repos, but I've gotten to the point where I have old projects sitting around that I still want access to but can't make public.
I wish there were a way to make a repo an archive, an inactive repo, so it doesn't count towards your private repo count. The same goes for deprecated repos.
I still have some older repos I keep around because they show how (poorly) I coded way back when, and I don't plan on showing that to potential employers perusing my account. :P
I think they could easily beat GitHub on something like the social experience of coding as well as gists in general. The Gist system is not terrible, but it is far from perfect - after the new update, it no longer saves my log-in, for one.
BitBucket don't have to be the go-to place for projects. GitHub tries to be many things, but doesn't succeed at all of them. Projects and pages is probably where they're the best.
Right. My implication is that there's not much difference between using multiple news sites and multiple SCM sources for different needs. Does the BB/GH split really matter after the initial pull and you're just in update/commit/deploy mode?