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Adobe acquires Behance (engadget.com)
110 points by qdot76367 on Dec 20, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

As one of the first 100 on the Behance platform, I think this is a fantastic acquisition for both sides. When a large corporation acquires a company you love there is often concern, but seeing how the Adobe + Typekit relationship played out I'm expecting great things.

Or Adobe + Phonegap. Adobe seems to do acquisitions pretty well.

I think they have a pretty solid plan. They understand ecosystems, such as why they developed multiple types of desktop software to cater to different needs in/for the creative community.

or adobe + photoshop, adobe + illustrator, adobe + basically any product you can name.

let's not talk about the macromedia acquisition, though.

It transitioned people to using the same suite of products, which I think is huge for the creative industry at large; particularly with making it easier to transfer files from person to person for collaboration, delivery, etc.. Remember when some designers used Photoshop, some Fireworks, and some Corel Draw?

Fireworks was/ is for vector based graphics. That is a different use case from photoshop.

Fireworks a hybrid between vector and raster. It's for web/interface design, which has plenty of overlap with Photoshop.

This is great for Behance and Adobe both, I think. Adobe has immensely powerful capabilities and Behance has a great network of creatives. Combined they could go far (I hope).

It's good to see a company in my same industry make it this far.

Haven't used Behance for quite a while, but it would be awesome if it got integrated into Creative Suite (think Kuler). Great news & congratulations all involved.

I'm hoping the acquisition will mean more rapid development of ActionMethod, a beautiful product with some good ideas that just hasn't kept up.

Have you checked out Trello? I haven't used Action Method in several years so I can't quite remember the details, but on the surface at least they look fairly similar.

I am a heavy Trello user. I would say it, Asana, new Basecamp and Flow have pieces of ActionMethod in them.

This is a great move! I hope Adobe doesn't mess it up, its an entire community they've acquired. With power comes responsibility and hope they wont use it to monopolize the design industry altogether.

show me the money! how much did they get?

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