Hi everyone, I've been searching for a good book that introduces key internet concepts and has some fun and interesting things to do on the net.
My Dad has just started using the internet with the family laptop and he knows how to email, but I want something that will show him the true power of the net.
I couldn't really find a book that fits the bill. Does anyone know of any?
I was thinking of something like this. Maybe a book that takes you through the process of just signing up for a blog and describes each part of the process.
It could also show a bunch of other things to do too, like joining up with social media, posting videos on youtube and vimeo, even setting up your own site.
Anyway, I will continue my search and report back with details later.
The link emailing sounds like a nice idea. To be honest I'm kind of fishing for a Christmas present too. I think a book would be a good way of introducing it to him. It actually seems quite odd that there isn't a book that performs this function, or even a website that gives you a guide to getting set up on the net from the ground up.
There must be thousands (millions?) of people out there who'd like to get involved, but are stuck outside of the net.
The Internet for Dummies: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Internet-Dummies-Computers/dp/111809...
Wading The World Wide Web: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/products/keith+kyk...
This is what I'll go for: http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/products/john+naug...