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Ask HN: Cheapest way to buy hosted bandwidth?
3 points by Bluem00 on Feb 23, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Where's the cheapest place to rent a hosted server with a lot of available upload bandwidth?

Starting things off...You can get a server at linode that comes with bandwidth at $0.10/GB. You can use the Amazon EC2 service at $0.10-$0.17/GB. Is there anywhere cheaper?

I assume the best service may change based on your requirements, and whether you can take advantage of a CDN. In my case, I'm interested in streaming radio, which couldn't be cached. Thanks!

"Is there anywhere cheaper?"

I think most colocation/dedicated server centers give you a lot better deals than the more dynamic Linode/EC2 setups. And it matters how much you know you'll use ahead of time. For example, check out http://www.10tb.com

10TB at .10/GB is $1000 but you get 10TB plus a 4GB RAM server for $199 at 10tb.com

Some hosting companies charge per Mbps, which may be cheaper than paying per GB.

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