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> However, confining ourselves to one language makes us all think the same way

I have prior knowledge in the area so pardon me if what I'm saying is nonsene, but learning a programming language doesn't have the same benefits of learning any other language in this case?

I mean, if you are used to something like C, learning Haskell or Lisp or Brainfuck is a big mind shift.

I was actually thinking of spoken languages, and attempts to solve the same issues in one particular programming language. Or in the larger scope of designing a system (where choice of programming language is less relevant).

I often find that choice of programming languages confines people to restrict themselves to certain ways in each language. Which obviously makes sense, as each programming languages were created with a need in mind that was sufficiently being fulfilled in other languages.

There are things you'd write in C, but not in Haskell. Like say, a driver.

It's different with spoken languages, they all try to solve the same issue; communicating. But do so differently.

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