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I don't know why, but for some reason I found that localizing github would in fact not contribute to the better, but to the worse. I know there are a lot of programmers for whom english is not their native language (heck, I'm one of them), but as almost all programming languages are in english, I think it would make sense to keep github in english. My reasons are, more of less, the following:

- As it stands now, the majority of repositories are in english. If github were localized, it would most likely contribute to more non-english repos since the author would be less inclined to give it any thought.

- It would require a lot of extra effort on githubs side to, first of all localize it, but also to keep it updated and correct. They would need translators and probably also need to put a lot of effort into localizing the site (which I'd rather they focused on other things).

I know these may not be the best reasons, but I'd rather people learned english than doing it in their native language (english opens it op to more people, ie more people can benefit/contribute to the project).

But hey, those are just my two cents...

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