Hi guys,
I'm writing you because I would really like to know what languages, libraries and technologies/tools are you/we really using.
Why you say? Well you see, I'm curious. I dont really like those "graph" showing which languages are popular, I want it directly from you!
Thanks ;)
* XNA + MonoGame (multiplatform OSS rewrite of XNA - https://github.com/mono/monogame)
* Lidgren.Network (Reliable UDP networking library - https://code.google.com/p/lidgren-network-gen3/)
* NuclearWinter (my own UI library - https://bitbucket.org/sparklinlabs/nuclearwinter)
* MonoBoxedLua (my own variant of MonoLuaInterface - https://bitbucket.org/sparklinlabs/monoboxedlua)