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It matters because it a) determines the companies costs which directly affect profits, and b) indicates engagement and the likelihood that subscribers will quit.

Remember when McDonalds got in trouble for putting "Over a million served." on their signs? Or the scads of other businesses that the SEC routinely cracks down on for similar announcements? The criminals at Netflix should hang for this crime.

I think you're being sarcastic, but I can't tell. Please remember that this is the Internet and someone has probably misjudged your intent with this statement.

It's obvious, and you can too tell. I'm not worried about the comment being misunderstood, there are thick people everywhere and the Internet is no exception. Besides, this is just a friendly discussion forum, it's not like I'm Jonathan Swift.

It was only obvious in the last sentence. It's impossible to read tone over the internet, and there are enough legitimate crackpots that you need to label sarcasm or risk being taken at face value. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law

Technically it was irony, and the only sentence that wasn't obvious was the second. In this situation there is no risk to being taken at face value so Poe's Law is meh.

However, this does tell me that my phrasing needs work. Ever notice how some people's writing perfectly conveys intended tone while some (myself) are misunderstood? I think improving in this area is valuable so I do appreciate the feedback from you and the GP, even if there were plenty of upvotes on my comment.

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