What if the power goes out? What if your main development PC goes down?
The question is really how often does this happen and how long is it out for. Personally I don't remember the last time my internet was out for more then an hour, and that wasn't even in the last year.
Google Docs must have the same problem, how do they mitigate it?
I can see the always-on scenario playing out ok for some (web-developers, enterprise folks etc), but I don't see how the hardcore C crowd and their hyper-customized build farms would gain anything from it.
Oh well, then my ISP must suck :(
Anyways, I travel a lot with my laptop: and I don't have WiFi connection everywhere I go: that's why I don't "live in the cloud" for now.
The "local storage" support in Google Docs Android client is still abysmal. I've more than once gotten network related errors when trying to do stuff to a document that I've explicitly marked as "offline".
Vastly better than before though - their offline support is very new.
The question is really how often does this happen and how long is it out for. Personally I don't remember the last time my internet was out for more then an hour, and that wasn't even in the last year.
Google Docs must have the same problem, how do they mitigate it?