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I would definitely recommend trying to get on the inside of the startup somehow. A huge part of business is networking. Do anyone of your friends know someone who works at or owns a startup? See if they can put in a word for you and maybe get a face to face interview set up.

Make sure that you are clear that you are doing it for the educational experience and not for the money. I wouldn't necessarily offer to work for free, because I think that makes you sound a little desperate, but be clear that you aren't expecting to get paid a whole lot.

This is basically what I have done to get jobs the last two summers, and it has worked really well for me. Last summer, I worked for a guy who spoke in one of my comp sci classes and who I had a few connections with. The summer before that, I worked for an international nonprofit that I had several connections with. The pay was not great (basically just covered living expenses), but the experience was well worth it.

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