Game... maybe
HFT... maybe
High performance server... sure
OS... most are not (C++ != C, C++ != assembly)
Implementing a language... maybe
Database... sure
Numerical library... most are not
Crypto library... most are not
VM... maybe
Browser... maybe the rendering engine
Again, you need to wrap your mind around:
(1) Some things will be written in C++
(2) C++ is not a synonym for "low-level." Many of your examples are really referring to C and assembly. Why would you prefer a C++ implementation of a crypto library to a C one?
(3) The vast majority of computer code written today is not for any of these systems. Lots of code uses these systems, but most people are happy with language bindings for a crypto API. Or to a numerical processing library. Or running on a VM running on an OS.
Does anyone have empirical data that the C++ fraction of software written today is increasing? If so, then you have a case. I'm going to guess that that fraction has been falling for quite some time, and will continue to fall.
>Why would you prefer a C++ implementation of a crypto library to a C one?
Here's an example from the EVP_Digest* man page from OpenSSL, with some comments added:
EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx;
// forget this part and get undefined behavior (but maybe it seems to work, sometimes)
mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();
// forget this part? more and different runtime errors
EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, md, NULL);
EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, mess1, strlen(mess1));
EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, mess2, strlen(mess2));
// md_value allocated with malloc()? don't forget to free()
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, md_value, &md_len);
// forget this part, or remember it but miss an "if(err) return -1" statement somewhere? memory leak
Comparable C++ implementation:
// RAII, compile error if you don't provide constructor argument instead of runtime error if you don't call init function
EVP_Digest_CTX ctx(md);
ctx.update(msg1, msg1_size);
ctx.update(msg2, msg2_size);
// return simple object: typed dynamic byte array + size with its own destructor, both digest and ctx destructors get called when function returns from anywhere
I was responding to your statement that you shouldn't be doing byte-level manipulation unless you're writing a device driver or compression library. The fact that C and assembly are used for some of my examples does not take away from them.
I agree that there is a ton of code being written where byte-level manipulation is not needed and is not appropriate. But there is still a ton of code where it is needed or appropriate, and you misrepresent that when you say you shouldn't be doing it unless you're writing a device driver or compression library.
Again, you need to wrap your mind around:
(1) Some things will be written in C++
(2) C++ is not a synonym for "low-level." Many of your examples are really referring to C and assembly. Why would you prefer a C++ implementation of a crypto library to a C one?
(3) The vast majority of computer code written today is not for any of these systems. Lots of code uses these systems, but most people are happy with language bindings for a crypto API. Or to a numerical processing library. Or running on a VM running on an OS.
Does anyone have empirical data that the C++ fraction of software written today is increasing? If so, then you have a case. I'm going to guess that that fraction has been falling for quite some time, and will continue to fall.