This is fun! Really great work, runs nice and smooth on my machine.
If I could make suggestions (and this should be taken as "constructive feedback" and not "I hate this"), they would be pretty minor:
- I'd have the green-star progress bar be green to match the thing I collected (maybe even stick a little tiny star next to the bar to label it), and make the it go the other way. Right now the bar fills up, but I think of it as an ability running out, not filling up.
- A collision sound when I hit something, and maybe on the high-score screen tell me what I hit when I died. "You mid-air collided with the red dude. It was both devastating and awesome."
I think that's it. Really great stuff.
Edit: one more thing worth noting, I know the music is just a loop, but I didn't find it annoying at all. It fit perfectly.
Now loads of people have asked me to do that. I am definitely gonna take a look at ejecta although it would be cool if some ios/android guy gets in touch with me. :)
Nice game! You obviously spent more time than we did on graphics. It would be nice to hear what you guys think about our attempt:
Nice, love this game. There is a similar(very similar) game on my cellphone involving a helicopter, but without any enemies or things to collect. This is definitely much more fun than that.
Only the Canvas JS API. Everything worked pretty well.
Only HTML5 Audio is a bit buggy thats why you can hear the looping not being smooth. Plus loadeddata support is kinda weird in Safari.
Apart from that it was pretty good, I am planning on making more games :) also I'll be posting most of the experience and information on my blog
(by which I mean: Well done binarydreams - it's a cute game, and runs well on my browser!)