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Exceptional acquires Ranger Monitoring (exceptional.io)
30 points by usiegj00 on Nov 30, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

The team is pumped to make the announcement of the acquisition. It's been a pleasure working with Shay Frendt.

We'll be follow up with more information about the integration in next week, but for anyone at AWS Re:Invent. We'll be throwing a launch party tonight http://blog.exceptional.io/event/exceptional-invites-you-to-... and keeping on the theme of Ranger. We'll be making an official launch event at a shooting range tomorrow. A few spaces are still available. http://launch.ranger.io

I saw the link to Airbrake on that announcement, and Airbrake is showing the AWS Beanstalk PHP Application page, with appropriate details of the PHP installation.

Is there a list of cloud services that do exception reporting, or monitoring somewhere?

I've seen a least a dozen over the last few months. It seems like a very crowded space. Is this a new thing?

Heroku and AWS seem to be the popular targets. How do all these services differ from one another?

You might like Honeybadger: https://www.honeybadger.io/

Full text search, a lightning-fast drill-down UI, and advanced collaboration tools make Honeybadger the best option to manage Rails errors. IMHO

Since our public launch we've gained a lot of traction. Many of the apps we monitor are household names. For the latest news: @honeybadgerapp.

Sorry for the blatant plug, but you asked. :)

I'd love to see this list too. I currently use airbrake & newrelic - what else is out there these days?

Since you asked... I'm working on a product in this space. Check out http://ratchet.io . Collects and aggregates errors from rails, javascript, php, python, etc.

Any such services that work well with (i.e. have official support for) Java applications? Other than New Relic, which requires a rather pricey "Pro" subscription for exception reporting...

Congratulations gentlemen!


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