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Anonymous, a fixed with sans designed especially for coders (ms-studio.com)
12 points by Todd on Feb 16, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Also free, and the one I have been using for years: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono ( http://www.bitstream.com/font_rendering/products/dev_fonts/v... )

I love the Bitstream Vera family. Of note, is that the letter proportions are such that you can set the font size a point or two smaller than other fonts and still keep great legibility.

You can also do that with Lucida.

Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is the default monospaced font in Ubuntu :)

Consolas is my fixed-width font of choice :-)


I like this Consolas-inspired one, Inconsolata (also available for Mac, etc.):



I am surprised nobody talked about inconsolata in this thread yet. As for me, it's my font of choice (and a bit clearer to read than anonymous IMHO)

Same here: (set-default-font "-apple-inconsolata-medium-r-normal--16-0-72-72-m-0-iso10646-1")

PS: Am I the only one who tries to use M-Space to set the mark in Safari text areas, over and over again?

What's up with the "trademark" stuff all over that site? If I'm not mistaken, a general word like "anonymous" can't be trademarked. But maybe it's just to make it look more professional.

Depends. For example you can't trademark 'apple' for fruit. But you can trademark 'apple' for computers.

I believe you meant fixed "width"

That font looks horrible from 6pt upwards. I'll stick with triskweline, thank you.

Installed. Much nicer than Courier New. Cheers :)

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