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Java for one, as strange as it might seem.

Most of those environments have JVMs available. Although. a few of them, like i/OS, still only have Java 5 or 6 available.

Don't take me wrong I am not against C++ and do use it in some of my employer projects. Then again we need to fill our code with #ifdefs when the need to support multiple environments with different sets of compilers arises.

For example, even Boost with its exhaustible list of compilers and operating systems does not support:


- i/OS


- VxWorks

- Symbian (yes people still develop for them)

This is just one library, it gets worse if we need to take a few proprietary libraries into the equation.

Now, for doing native code programming, C++ is the best currently available language, and I wish that with C++11 and the upcoming revisions, it gets better.

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