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I had read the original post as being open to the authentication method of choice. What you describe is certainly one authentication method (inherence, aka what you are or do). Most common is knowledge, aka a password or unique URL. NFC would be ownership, or what you have. Two of these would allow you to keep your own database. I guess the confusion came from our different interpretations of what the original poster meant by "recognize". I linked recognition with authentication, of which there are three methods to be used, and picked the most likely in my mind. I'm knee deep in authentication principles most of the day.

Sorry if I came off as hostile, it was a miscommunication.

>Sorry if I came off as hostile, it was a miscommunication.

Story of the internet, really. I get down-voted a lot on Reddit because people confuse my directness for hostility. I've tried couching my arguments with a more passive voice but sometimes it becomes too much of a hassle.

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