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This kind of thing goes back and forth. Sometimes people are happy to buy everything from the same company have it "just work". ...until something really cool comes along from an other company and all their locked in gadgets won't work with it.

In the 90's people rejected locked up curated networks in favor of the open internet. Sony has always tried to lock people into proprietary formats (Memory Stick, MiniDisc), but the open alternatives have usually won. When an open standard leads to more competition and better products people buy it, whether they care about openness for its own sake or not.

You're right, although I'll note that Minidisc wasn't really a failure. It was utterly huge in Japan, and widely adopted by other companies [no doubt playing big royalties to Sony].

Minidisk eventually proved a technical dead-end because of the development of solid-state storage and the internet, but I can easily see it lasting much longer and becoming more dominant if those things hadn't happened; it had a lot of momentum behind it for a while.

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