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I suggest you think about it some more from a non-technical user's perspective:

"How the shit do I get my stuff off this iPhone onto my Nexus?"

How do non-technical users solve technical problems? They ask technical users. Who will tell them to sync their contacts from itunes to windows contacts then upload them to a google account.

I still don't see any problem.

Actually most non-technical users live with their loss and quietly swear at the technology. Technical users are realistically far and few between.

Exactly. Either this or just say "c'est la vie", deal with it, and move on.

I suggest at some point it could also become Apples problem.

They do charge a premium and they do make mistakes so they must have users moving to other platforms.

Right now the move to another platform is painful, but obviously anyone who goes ahead and moves despite that pain is going to have far less chance of ever moving back.

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