They need to add 'label' to that list. It's not really obscure, but not enough people use it; not even the big sites (ahem, eBay.) It adds a good amount to the usability to the page, in my opinion.
('label' associates another block of text/html with an input field. So if something says: Name: |_________|, and Name is wrapped in the label tag, clicking on Name is enough to give the textbox focus)
Other than making the site more usable for people that can see, the label tag can also make the site more usable for blind people or anyone using screen readers. When you associate the label with a input field then the screen reader will know what to read for a particular input field. This is accomplished by adding a for="idOfInputField" to the label.
You can associate a label with any element without having to nest the element in the label too; just use label's for attribute with the element's ID. It's useful, for example, if you want the labels in one column and the form controls in another.
Make sure to have the label take the maximum available space; if you have a label centered in a table cell you want the label to span the whole cell so it's easier to click on it to select the associated control.
('label' associates another block of text/html with an input field. So if something says: Name: |_________|, and Name is wrapped in the label tag, clicking on Name is enough to give the textbox focus)