Hi there!
We’re building a social content recommendation service – LikeHack.com. And yep, we get email.
A couple of those letters included some kind of complaints about the pictures of folks on our main page pointing out that “they are not a developer, designer or young mummy” and that “this is just pathetic to use clipart”.
First of all, we’d love to ask you guys about whether or not it’s really this bad for a startup to go for some clipart usage. Seems like a natural way.
Second, we’d love to work on this issue (100k VC funding woah! 8) and ask you – real developers and designers (and mb even young mummies) to send us your pictures (preferably high def ones).
And third, we’d love to give out some Amazon Gift Cards to those who’d be so kind to send us their pictures together with some feedback on our product. Tell us about anything you like and don’t like (except the fact that we’re using clipart of course).
Email for your feedback:
Dmitry Yanin <dima@freshle.com>
Thank you for your time HN.
I've now been looking at your page for a few seconds and don't have a clue what you do.
Maybe you've hidden that info under the fold. Maybe you haven't hired a copywriter yet. Maybe you're still figuring it out. But I have no clue what this website does and why I should trust you with access to my facebook account.
$100k sounds like a great deal of money, but it isn't: So if you're being tight with the budget I get it. However that said hiring a freelance web designer to sketch several landing pages isn't a huge investment. Unless of course this is just a throw away page and you want to spend the money on the real product.