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You said:

> "The decisions are made before the person ever gives their first on-camera pitch."

The contestant with firsthand knowledge said:

> "The Sharks also have absolutely no idea what is going happen with each company that comes on, they haven't even seen the pre-roll that the audience sees (where the camera follows the contestant around their home town, etc)..."

He invalidates your statement because how could they make decisions before the camera pitch, if they have never seen anything before the camera pitch? Unless someone from the set of the show could say something to help your statements, he is a much more reliable source than your intuition. Unless you have more evidence to validate your statement that you have not yet posted.

You'd make a terrible lawyer.

Let's deconstruct: > "The Sharks also have absolutely no idea what is going happen with each company that comes on"

Right. They don't know what's going to happen when they talk to the company. That doesn't mean they don't know anything about the company beforehand.

> "They haven't even seen the pre-roll that the audience sees"

Maybe so, but that doesn't mean they haven't looked over business plans, executive summaries, founder resumes, etc. first. Audience pre-roll would be useless to these judges. Pre-roll is probably created after the judge interview, anyway.

Who says the Sharks decide who ultimately wins or loses?

There are a lot of Producers and EPs who have a narrative to fulfill.

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