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The making of Warcraft part 3 - Code Of Honor (codeofhonor.com)
38 points by pandemicsyn on Nov 12, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Great article but I'm confused about this bit: "Jesse McReynolds, a graduate of Caltech, had finished coding a low-level network library to send IPX packets over a local-area network. The code was written based on knowledge gleaned from the source code to Quake, which had been recently open-sourced by John Carmack at id software."

Warcraft was released in 1994. Quake in 1996. Quake's code was released under the GPL in 1999. So code was Jesse McReynolds cribbing from?

Article author here.

You're correct; the article should have read "Doom", not "Quake". And further, Doom had not yet been open-sourced. I'm checking with Jesse now but my assumption is that he talked to someone at id and they sent along a snippet of code that showed how to talk to the IPX network driver.

I've made corrections and -- once I've heard back from Jesse -- will include additional details.


The article has been corrected: the IPX code was based on Doom, not Quake.

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