Hi guys, OP here. This is one of my first major projects, and it's basically a crowd-sourced version of Khan Academy, Coursera, etc. Please give it a look and consider making a contribution. I'm always happy to hear any feedback.
I essentially abandoned the project, but I'd like to get back in it. If you're interested in working together somehow, shoot me an email at Miserlou57 at aol dotcom.
Thanks for your interest. It's funny that we both started with Calculus as our first course. I'd be interested in a conversation. Expect an email from me soon.
I love the idea and I'd love to contribute, but English is not my first language and my pronounciation is terrible.
I would consider creating no-sound video lectures with annotations on the side, if someone else with a clean pronounciation would then do the voiceovers and mix their recorded voice into the videos.
You can check out the site directly at http://www.crowdcourse.com/