Nevermind that Obama has never expressed any interest in marijuana legalization and has even gone against his own promises in regards to prosecution. But feel free to keep projecting 'progressive values' onto him that aren't there.
Because it's worse than that - in 2007-2008, Obama explicitly campaigned on a platform that would be amenable to drug policy reform (medical marijuna + decriminalization at the state level).. then promptly reversed course after the election to become the most tough-on-drugs president in recent history[1].
There's the chance that he'd flip-flop again, but don't get your hopes high - he made an active effort to extend Bush's medical marijuana dispensary crackdowns instead of ending them altogether, so there's not really much evidence to suggest that he'll change his mind again.
[1] Compared at least to Bush Jr. and Clinton, which already takes us back 20 years.
There's a difference between 'not expressing interest' and 'actively pursuing the opposing agenda' that I hope is apparent.
2012 Democratic Platform:
"We must help state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement work together to combat and prevent drug crime and drug and alcohol abuse, which are blights on our communities. We have increased funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program over the last four years, and we will continue to expand the use of drug courts. We support the rights of victims to be respected, heard, and compensated."