I work from my laptop, and my laptop is constantly moving between my home, cafés, libraries, schools, etc. I have SSH windows open and I want them to simply stay open and work all the time. I want the session to automatically persist changes in wireless networks, temporary lack of network connectivity, putting my laptop in suspend, etc. I also want my SSH-forwarded ports to keep being forwarded as long as I'm connected to the internet. It's such a huge pain to constantly re-login to all my SSH windows on every minor blip of connectivity.
Is there any way to accomplish this in any OS? Every time I have posted this problem elsewhere, everyone shouts "screen!" but I think the HN audience understands that while screen is cool, it doesn't even come close to resolving this issue; so I'm hoping for a better answer here.
To give an example of my problem:
Let's I have 5 SSH windows open doing various things (perhaps I am running top, emacs, a window that i'm using to type svn commands, etc). I also have port-forwarding set up so that I can use Firefox securely through a SOCKS proxy, and access websites that are only available from behind the SSH machine.
If my wireless network switches or even drops for 1 second, I now have 5 dead SSH sessions. I have to somehow reinitialize them, and when I do it's a mess to get them back in the correct state. I can solve the latter with screen. How can I solve the former automatically, without wasting time re-establishing those connections?
As for port forwarding, you will still be disconnected from everything on connectivity blips when ssh has to reconnect if you use ssh port forwarding. Try a VPN setup instead. You might have to fiddle with the host to keep it from sending RST's/FIN's as soon as you drop (though it shouldn't unless a packet for you comes in during the blip, I think). When you come back, if you come back soon enough, the connections should be restored without having been disconnected. (AS LONG as you have the same IP address on the VPN, so use a static IP setup)
Also, if you run your SSH -through- the VPN connection and recover quickly enough SSH shouldn't disconnect at all either.
More Edit: For long connectivity lapses (changing locations) all your TCP connections -will- drop. This is not something you can work around.