I think you completely misunderstand the audience for Rachet.
It's a HTML/JS/CSS prototyping tool, so if you're building a web application for iPhone it makes it so much easier to get a basic prototype together and start hallway testing. Interface builder is _not_ the tool for doing this.
Additionally, just because you're not 'creating stuff like this in graphics' doesn't mean that you'll never create a proper interface for the application, it just means you can get a __prototype__ together quickly. Spending time creating a well designed interface takes away from what a prototype should be.
> Interface builder is _not_ the tool for doing this.
The Ratchet website talks about "iPhone apps" in general (not just web applications). And for non-web apps, storyboarding (in Interface Builder) is a great prototyping tool. And it has the advantage that it has all the common iOS UI concepts (and only them) and can be fleshed out into the real app afterwards.
It's a lot harder to email paper? there aren't many good paper VCS? Paper is great for quick sketches and has its place. Digital is good for lots of other use cases. Maybe use what suits on a case by case basis?
I'd like to see a designer speak up about using stuff like this more than one time. I find I'd hard to believe that you would sit down, after already playing around with this once, and say "this time I'm going to add a chevron to each cell, put the button on the left side, and go test it in the hallway". If your app is a table with a stock navigation system do you really ever need to build a second version of the same thing?
Every project/team is different. Sometimes a designer wants to communicate with another designer, sometimes with a developer and sometimes with a client. Each of these stakeholders will react differently to:
'...this screen looks like.. well you know a stock tableview'
And sometimes these people aren't in the same room/building/country
Simply dismissing the tool because you cant think of a use-case is a bit short sighted.
PS: also when designing for the iphone, elements have a surprisingly different feel when shown on a device.
It's a HTML/JS/CSS prototyping tool, so if you're building a web application for iPhone it makes it so much easier to get a basic prototype together and start hallway testing. Interface builder is _not_ the tool for doing this.
Additionally, just because you're not 'creating stuff like this in graphics' doesn't mean that you'll never create a proper interface for the application, it just means you can get a __prototype__ together quickly. Spending time creating a well designed interface takes away from what a prototype should be.